Use "affranchisement|affranchisements" in a sentence

1. What does Affranchisement mean? The act of freeing; enfranchisement

2. Manumission, or affranchisement, is the act of an owner freeing his or her slaves.

3. Afforcements afforces afforcing afford affordabilities affordability affordable affordably afforded affording affords afforest afforestable afforestation afforestational afforestations afforestation's afforested afforesting afforestment afforestment's afforests afformative affranchise affranchised affranchisement

4. Chapters 32-64 are taken directly from the Salic Law; the provisions follow the same arrangement; the unit of the compositions is 15 solidi; but capitularies are interpolated relating to the affranchisement and sale of immovable property.